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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another snow day!!

I've lived in Tennessee all of my life and I can't remember EVER getting this much snow!! Let me rephrase that... I can't remember EVER getting snow as often as we have lately. I woke up this morning to what seems like 3 inches of snow. I know to everyone outside of Tennessee that seems like nothing... BUT TO US, it's CRAZY! It seems like it's been snowing at least once every one to two weeks! RIDICULOUS! This is my second day calling out of work because of this! Thank God I have PTO or I would NOT be getting paid to blog right now! lolOH WOOOWWW! My team lead just called and said that if I don't at least try to come in later, then I would get an occurrence! Wait what?! I missed work last Friday due to inclement weather and didn't get an occurrence. So what you're saying is, that you can give me an occurrence when you feel like it?! Not fair! I'm not just calling out to call out! The news said that we don't have enough SALT to put down on the roads to melt the ice! My team lead is working from home right now!... oooooo OK! So you want me to get on the road and risk MY LIFE and CAR and YOU get to chill at the house and take calls?! LOL... I am really LAUGHING OUT LOUD right now! The things you are allowed to do when you're A BOSS!!!!

Da dun dun!! -__- Signing off.

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Friday, January 21, 2011


It's the weekend baabbbyyyy!!!

And guess what I'll be doing....

Dating my apartment. I don't plan on doing anything! I don't plan to see anybody.... It'll just be me, my apartment, and my 42' flat screen tv! *POW* lol! Sorry... I had to throw that in there.

I was supposed to go to the movies with some friends to see "Black Swan" tonight but I decided to do the responsible thing and stay my NO MONEY HAVIN' tail at home! Being financially responsible is one my many resolutions this year. I plan to stick to that. I will be traveling quite a bit this year and need to start the year off right, so I'll have the funds available to do just that... TRAVEL!! "Whhhoooooo hooooo!!!!," she yells with arms in the air!

*looks around and clears throat*


So far, I've eaten, watched a bunch of random television, and surfed the web. I've been thinking about cleaning and re-twisting my hair, but I'll save that for Saturday. Reclining in my chair, in my pajamas, watching "Pretty Woman" and blogging is way more fun!!

Anywhoo, I'm randomly blogging as I've done in the past! Just thought I'd update because it's been so long. So....

Until next time,
♥ Stix! :D