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Monday, June 14, 2010


Music videos just aren't what they used to be!!! What happened to story lines that actually went with the words of the songs?! What happened to songs of love and happiness?!... or songs about heartbreak or overcoming heartbreak!!! Man, those songs are gone... THOSE VIDEOS ARE GONE!!!

Today's videos stuck!!! They all are stuffed with occult symbols and images. I won't even go into all that with you guys! I'm sure you've heard all about it! It's nothing new. If you haven't heard about it or know nothing of the Illuminati, I encourage you to check out this site... Vigilant Citizen.

That very site is what brought on this blog. I go on this site whenever I hear a new song or see a new video that I think has hidden messages in it!!! I went to it today after thinking about Lady Gaga's new video "Alejandro." SMH! Guys, it's soooo sad!!! Again, I won't go into detail about all of that! Check out the site if you're interested!

I'm blogging to let out some frustration!!! I'm mad! Guys, THE DEVIL IS BUSY!!! He is doing everything in his power to gain as many souls as he can before his time is up!!! And boy, is he getting creative!!! These artist are brainwashed... I often wonder if they realize that they are basically being used as puppets to destroy souls!!! He isn't hiding anymore... He is coming and he isn't playing!!!

AND WHAT ARE WE (God's chosen few) DOING?!?! Where are our music videos and LIFE CHANGING SONGS?! Believe it or not... the songs and videos in "the world" ARE, in fact, life changing!!! They aren't bringing about positive life changes... but some type of change takes place. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TO STOP HIM?! God, WHAT CAN WE DO TO STOP HIM?! I want to see Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and all these other artist saved, man!!! I want to see people like them use their platforms to lead souls to CHRIST!!! I want to see music and videos that bring about the same kind of change... if not BETTER!! I'm tired of seeing us sit around and do nothing! I'm tired of us being so distracted with ourselves that we forget about THOSE SOULS that are being captured by the devil!!! That dude has NO AUTHORITY!!! HE CAN BE STOPPED!!!

I hear people say that they want to sing for God, but I don't think they realize just how big that is!!! It's about more than singing about His love at this point! Don't get me wrong... a good worship song will have me on the floor... but I think at this point in life... in these last days... Christian music should have the same objective as the world's music!!! THE SOULS ARE WHAT WE NEED!!!

Get it?!

Got it?!


LOL!!! I challenge you today to pray about what YOU could do to assist in gaining souls!!! I mean, really!! Heaven is about to be THE BOMB!!! Why not help other people get there?! God has given us all a gift or talent... Allow Him to anoint it and it be used to edify the kingdom. LET'S WIN SOULS FOR CHRIST!!! SHHOOOOOTTT!!!

Ya feel me?!

Until next time,

♥ Stix

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