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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Why did I see this movie TOO?!!!

Ok... Before I begin!!! Please watch this!!! I just need you to feel why I was SO ANXIOUS to see this movie!

Now TELL ME that doesn't look like a good movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'LL TELL YOU ALRIGHT! That movie SUCKED!!! Wait... before you think I'm being hard on Tyler... let me let it be known... I AM a Tyler Perry fan and have supported his movies... and enjoyed MOST of them in the past!.. but this movie RIGHT HERE!!!... a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!

I won't go into details about what all I didn't like because you may decide to go see it despite the horrible reviews! I will say that Tyler Perry had a lot going on in that one!!! Everything that could possibly go wrong in a marriage went wrong... and he made black women look like some CRAZY FOOLS when under stress!!! I mean, dang, I have not met ONE BLACK woman/wife like Tasha Smith's character!... or one that snaps like Janet did over NOTHING!!! He did a horrible job of trying to relay to us (the audience) what the heck was causing so much dang on ruckus in each relationship! I left the theatre in tears, totally confused, and (in the words of fake Beyonce, Skye Townsend) UTTERLY EMBARRASSED!!!

I HIGHLY recommend that you don't waste your HARD EARNED MONEY on a MESSY, horribly put together film! Please... if you have to spend a dime... Spend it at the redbox in a few months!... and I'm soooo serious!!!!

I know some people are gonna want to see it regardless of what you've heard. To be honest with you, I'm the same way! When I hear a movie is bad, I want to see for myself! Go ahead... watch the movie (a matinee would be great) and PLEASE tell me what you think!!!

I'm done venting! I pray that Tyler Perry is receptive to the bad reviews and takes a class or two on writing and directing movies!... 'cuz right now... his movies look like plays on a big screen! I'm just saying!!! I'm out!!!

Until next time,

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