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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I want to blog...




I got a new tattoo...


I got that JESUS PIECE ON MY ARM! lol It's small and PURPLE...AND I love it... It's healing rather WEIRDLY... but I'm gonna allow it to heal. It's not quite complete yet!

I also got my nose re-pierced. My "bestest" (Sequoia) and I went on the morning of Easter. LOL... DON'T JUDGE US!!... LOVE US... like Jesus does! lol So yea, what was I saying...

Anyway... yea... so... She has been wanting it for some time. She would only do it, if I did it too. I wasn't against it. Unfortunately, we didn't take a pic... It's so small, that it probably wouldn't show up in the pic anywa. I didn't want my nose ring to be extra big tho... if people see it, they see it! If they don't, they don't! I've had it before... so it's not really a big deal! It's cute,... I like it! Eventually I'll put the hoop in and be ROCKSTAR LIFESTYLE... but only on the weekends since I work for Corporate America!. Whomp, whomp! lol THANK GOD FOR A JOB!!... Next piercing... CARTILAGE... and then I'll be done... #ithink

I started my guitar lessons!!! Luckily, I still rememberd a lot of stuff so I'm learning theory!! GREAT!! I'm loving it! He is also teaching me the Nashville number/interval system because he knows that I'm intersted in doing studio sessions and stuff... EXXXCCCIIIITTTEEDD!!

Yea, yea!! So that's it!

Just wanted to say somethin' on this here blog...

Until next time,
♥ Stix

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The airport has a way of FORCING you to think about your life... where you are... where you're going! You know what I'm talking about, right?! or am I the only one...


Well anyway.. I went to Los Angeles about a week or so ago and while I was waiting for my first plane I started writing in my journal. I reflected back on it today and thought I'd blog it...

En-JIZ-OY! lol

..::March 25,2011::..

Sitting in the airport, dreaming of who/what I want to be... not really sure of who God wants me to be. I see myself traveling... going places...loving live...BUT how does God see me?! When God looks at me, what does He see? A painter, a guitar player, a public speaker?! I know who/what I DON'T want to be... a public speaker, intake coordinator, mediocre "LIVE-R!" lol I want to live life HAPPILY... not struggling... not "working toward where I want to be," but NEVER making progress.... But how do I do it?!

Where do I start? Do I pray? Do I just live until I receive THEE epiphany/revelation! Maybe I'm thinking too hard!! I should just chill, right?!... Yea, I'll chill! I know what I WON'T do... (God willing) I WON'T continue to work toward NOTHING!... struggle to make ends meet and NOT enjoy my life in the process! That was 2010 and I'm SO OVER 2010. If I want to take a trip... I'm TAKING A TRIP! If I want to meet up with a guy in L.A.... I'M MEETING UP WITH A GUY IN L.A.!! lol

I'm ready to live life with PEACE! That sounds so perfect!... almost TOO perfect! Is it wrong to want that at 23 years old? I hear people say all the time that their 20's were their worst years. Well, you know what?!... that won't be my story! Ok, I can say that the first three years of my 20's were the WORST... like that ish was for the "birds!" Man, I won't even put that on the birds! lol The next seven years of my 20's will be filled with peace and contentment that WILL trickle into my 30's, 40's... and so on! I've learned a lot and I will continue to learn and grown. My learning and growing process will be different from here on out though. No more turning left and running into every POT HOLE only to learn that I need to go back and turn right!! LOL... You feel me?!! I will pray... and wait for God to direct me in the right direction! No more listening to STIX... God... c'mon... I'M READY TO LIVE!!!

Kirk Franklin said it best... "I'm on my way to being WHO I AM!" Yep..that's my truth! and I'm walking in it now!!! Today is different... in the best way!

soo...Live, guys!... I PLAN TO!!


