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Wednesday, August 12, 2009


OK... I'M BACK!!!!! YYYAAAYYY!!!... Couldn't be happier, actually! I had a great time in Jamaica... A GREAT TIME... but when it's time to go it's time to go! lol... 10 days is a long time to be away from what I'm used to! I missed my mom, my friends, and my family!!!!! It's by God's grace that I made it! lol... seriously! I got really homesick toward the end... but a lady who was on the trip with me helped me understand why I was so ready to go... I wasn't there to play... I made sure that I was mentally, physically, and even spiritually prepared for this trip!... After I was done with my assignment... I was DONE! lol... I wanted to relax... I didn't want to stay up all night... I just wanted to chill! Yep... there was a beach... I enjoyed it... Yep there was a lot of food... which was ok!... But I was ready to get back. I was a bit stand offish at the end! I get tired of PEOPLE fast... I started seeing things that weren't cool... Church people are funny! Their personalities can be a bit much after about 5 I couldn't take it anymore! I just needed to get away... be by myself! I'm sure people perceived it as an attitude... or I was being lame!... For once... I didn't care! A lot of people misinterpret my looks (somebody called it the memphis look... whatever that means)!!! lol... Oh well... I can't control it!!! ANYWAY... I HAD FUN!!!!... :)... I think I had more fun with the kids than at the resort... ALL OF IT WAS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE! lol... I hope I don't sound extra deep!... or like I'm venting... too funny! I'm not... just thought I'd put out there how I feel right now!

***A brief summary***
GOD MOVED LAST WEEK!!!! God showed me a lot!!!! I can't wait to share with America what I learned in Jamaica!!! They don't play when it comes to God... young/old... They know God's voice... they know how to worship and they don't care what they look like! WE ARE SO BEHIND!!!... I feel like I needed to see that! I'm ready to be there... God is taking me to a new place and I'm ready to teach... to minister... to do whatever it takes to help our youth to get to that point! Starting tomorrow I'll post blogs about my experience from day to day! I'm gonna do one a day!... I wrote in my journal a lot... I don't think I missed anything... I talked about the kids... the heat... the water... I even counted how many mosquito bites I had at the end of each day!!! lol You're gonna love it... I hope so anyway!

Lately I've been so confused about what steps I need to be taking in my life... If you've been reading my blogs then you know all about it... Well... God revealed EVERYTHING to me last week! I was hearing from God so much... and he was confirming it through the most random people! I talked to a Jamaican guy on the beach on Saturday... and God spoke through him! It was amazing... I'm done wishing... I'M DREAMING NOW... and soon all of my dreams are gonna become realities! JUST WAIT... Thank you God!

So yea... Stay tuned!!!!! I HAVE A LOT TO SHARE...

Until next time,


  1. So glad you're back Stixalicious! I missed you so much!

  2. I MISSED YOU TOO SABRINA WASHY!!! :) Can't wait to see you, man!
